AmBiTo is a Germany-wide project to strengthen biodiversity in viticulture. Made up of experts from the fields of viticulture, sustainability certification and science, regionally and individually adapted biodiversity measures are developed, tested and implemented together with winegrowers.
The aim of AmBiTo is to develop and apply a modular biodiversity toolkit for viticulture in Germany over a six-year period. The focus is on the implementation and long-term application of biodiversity-promoting measures in viticulture. The direct involvement of model farms, experimental farms for the accompanying research and partner farms will ensure that practical and user-friendly solutions are developed.
AmBiTo was initiated jointly by Fair and Green e. V. and Hochschule Geisenheim University (HGU). You can find all information at www.ambito.eco

Save Natura
Save Natura is a species protection initiative of Fair and Green e. V., which has set itself the goal of promoting endangered species in agriculture and other land-intensive industries. The beginnings of the initiative lie in viticulture, as does the core business of the association. However, we are now implementing measures on a wide variety of structurally rich areas, including agricultural land as well as business, leisure and private land. The measures will preserve and create important habitats for a large number of endangered animal and plant species. The experience and scientific findings from our ‘AmBiTo’ research project form the basis for the success and expansion of species conservation efforts.
We see ourselves as a link between the generation of scientific knowledge on species conservation and the stakeholders who have suitable areas for species conservation measures. The result is effective, sustainable and local species conservation!
More information at www.save-natura.com

Sustainable plant protection
Plant protection is an essential aspect of modern sustainable agriculture and makes a significant contribution to securing yields. The FAIR’N GREEN criteria include the principles of “integrated crop protection”:
Cultural and phytosanitary measures are just as important as biotechnical and biological methods.
In viticulture, this means, among other things, good foliage management for the best possible aeration
Sustainable plant protection
Plant protection is an essential aspect of modern sustainable agriculture and makes a significant contribution to securing yields. The FAIR’N GREEN criteria include the principles of “integrated crop protection”:
Cultural and phytosanitary measures are just as important as biotechnical and biological methods.
In viticulture, this means, among other things, good foliage management for the best possible aeration

Save Climate
Save Climate is the climate protection initiative of Athenga GmbH, which was launched in 2014 in collaboration with Fair and Green e. V., the association for holistic sustainability. The aim of Save Climate is to transform the entire value chain and thus ultimately the entire (agricultural) economy towards a consistent reduction in emissions: by calculating GHG emissions and advising on reduction and climate contribution options, companies along the value chain are supported on their way to net zero emissions*.
Challenges are addressed and solved through networking and research work, e.g. in cooperation with the Neustadt Wine Campus and Geisenheim University in the areas of resource efficiency and CO2 storage. Through this systematic link with research, we develop and establish innovative and practicable solutions that can be implemented throughout the industry and will have a lasting impact on the (agricultural) economy.
The overall aim is to reduce the impact of climate change through sustainable economic activity. The (agricultural) economy is empowered to make reductions and also act as a significant CO2 sink – a basic prerequisite for achieving climate protection targets. The Save Climate seal provides end consumers with orientation in the extensive product range.
You can find all information at www.save-climate.com
* Net zero means that there is a balance between the greenhouse gas emissions caused and the emissions stored or reduced. This means that the Earth’s net carbon footprint, i.e. after deductions from natural and artificial sinks, can be zero. This is a long-term goal.

Resource and energy efficiency in production
This project involves recording all primary and secondary energy sources and consumption in wine production, such as plant protection, pressing, fermentation and bottling.
Together with Prof. Dr. Durner from the Neustadt Wine Campus, the Winergy app was developed, which can be used to record the total energy requirements of all consumption meters: Meter readings for electricity, water in the winery or operating hours meters on tractors are simply recorded by scanning them in the app. The total energy consumption is then calculated from the individual meter readings. Initial evaluations of the applications show an individual optimization potential of 20-50% for the wineries.
Specific energy savings can thus make a decisive contribution to climate protection!
Resource and energy efficiency in production
This project involves recording all primary and secondary energy sources and consumption in wine production, such as plant protection, pressing, fermentation and bottling.
Together with Prof. Dr. Durner from the Neustadt Wine Campus, the Winergy app was developed, which can be used to record the total energy requirements of all consumption meters: Meter readings for electricity, water in the winery or operating hours meters on tractors are simply recorded by scanning them in the app. The total energy consumption is then calculated from the individual meter readings. Initial evaluations of the applications show an individual optimization potential of 20-50% for the wineries.
Specific energy savings can thus make a decisive contribution to climate protection!

Sustainable organic wine
In the network for sustainable organic wine, organic wineries, wineries undergoing organic conversion and specialised wine shops cooperate to promote and expand the value chain of organically grown and sustainably produced wine.

“Not only making good wines, but also putting an entire industry under the banner of sustainability.”
Former Federal Environment Minister Peter Altmaier at the presentation of FAIR’N GREEN
at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Berlin, November 2013