The FAIR’N GREEN seal was developed by and with wineries in 2013. Around 7,000 hectares of vineyards are now cultivated internationally according to this holistically sustainable approach and the wineries are managed accordingly. In Germany, this corresponds to around 4,000 hectares and therefore around 4% of the vineyard area.

Our aim is to adapt the FAIR’N GREEN label for other sectors so that other areas of agriculture can also make their contribution to sustainable developments and offer sustainably produced products.

The sustainability aspects in the ecological, economic and social pillars are largely identical. There is also a fourth pillar in which individual sustainability criteria are defined for the respective areas of agriculture.

What is the FAIR'N GREEN certification?
All information for farmers

What exactly is FAIR’N GREEN certification and what are the benefits of sustainability certification for your winery or agricultural business? Find out the most important facts about FAIR’N GREEN certification in this short explanatory video.

Maintaining and safeguarding soil quality

Only healthy soil can produce the desired yields and provide society with food in the long term.

In order to keep soils alive, FAIR’N GREEN certification
takes numerous aspects into account:

  • Avoiding the use of mineral nitrogen fertilisers, preferring organic fertilisation from regional sources
  • Targeted greening through special seeding: Preservation of healthy soils, protection against erosion, promotion of soil organisms and provision of food for animals and insects
  • Reduced use of heavy machinery, such as tractors or caterpillars, to the minimum extent necessary
  • Use of state-of-the-art technology to reduce fuel consumption and associated emissions and minimise soil compaction

FAIR’N GREEN companies promote a nutrient cycle that is as closed as possible.

The ability of the soil to store CO2 is becoming increasingly important. The aim is to utilise the soil as a CO2 sink , despite agricultural activity, which is becoming a new necessity against the backdrop of climate change.

Biodiversity & species protection

Just like healthy soils, a high level of biodiversity on and around agricultural land is essential for sustainable farming. Farms benefit directly and indirectly from a high level of biodiversity:

A contribution is made to the preservation of native species and the
own land becomes healthier and sometimes even more productive. Agricultural land with a high level of biodiversity is better protected against pests and promotes pollination. Rural areas also become more attractive.

FAIR’N GREEN farms therefore take targeted measures to increase biodiversity and protect endangered species that are typical of the region in particular. Simple measures that provide food and refuge for numerous species include, for example

  • Stone and deadwood piles
  • Newly planted fruit trees
  • Hedges or flower strips
  • Dry stone walls in steep-slope vineyards

Plant protection

Plant protection is an essential aspect of modern agriculture and makes a significant contribution to securing yields. The FAIR’N GREEN criteria include the principles of “integrated crop protection”:

Chemical plant protection is the last resort and is only used when preventive measures and other direct measures, such as foliage management in viticulture, have been exhausted.

Cultural and phytosanitary measures are just as important as biotechnical and biological methods.

An innovative method for assessing chemical crop protection was developed for FAIR’N GREEN certification: The Toxic Load Indicator (TLI) was developed together with crop protection expert Lars Neumeister. This provides farmers with a neutral basis for evaluating their chemical crop protection measures, which makes different spraying effects comparable and minimizes harmful effects.
and minimizes harmful effects.

Water management

Drinking water is one of the world’s most valuable and scarce resources and will become even more important in the future. Even in regions that are not (yet) affected by water scarcity, it is therefore important to use drinking water responsibly.
is required. In Germany, only around 1.3 percent  (Federal Statistical Office 2016) of the water used is consumed by agriculture, compared to 70 percent worldwide!

In Europe, water scarcity has recently become more relevant and conflicts of interest are increasingly arising.

FAIR’N GREEN farms rely on the use of rainwater, well water or river water wherever possible. Efficiency measures, such as the use of modern and economical equipment for crop protection or cleaning, also play a central role. This not only helps the environment,
but also saves costs.

The protection of groundwater and neighbouring bodies of water is also taken into account: FAIR’N GREEN-certified companies are advised on the holistically sustainable design of water management – far beyond the legal requirements.

Climate & climate change

Climate change is possibly the biggest challenge facing society as a whole in the 21st century. On the one hand, agriculture is directly affected by the effects, but on the other hand, it is also a contributor. This dual role increases the pressure on agricultural businesses to act and motivates them to take committed action.

FAIR’N GREEN businesses are advised on climate protection measures.
Along the entire value chain, climate-neutral or climate-positive ways are deliberately sought to minimize CO2 emissions, e.g. through:

  • climate-friendly sourcing of production materials and utilisation of energetic raw materials
  • Use of green electricity
  • long-term partnerships and regional structures when purchasing materials
  • Preferential use of durable materials from sustainable production
    or their reuse
  • Use of efficient technology in production
  • Ideally climate-neutral transport of goods
  • Use of sustainable packaging or unpackaged delivery of products

The CO2 footprint is significantly reduced by optimising all agricultural processes.

The Save Climate Initiative was founded to provide even better support to businesses on their path to climate neutrality.

Resource efficiency & life cycle assessment

Sustainable agriculture needs clear guidelines and meaningful analyses at the same time. This is why digital solutions, for example for field management, are playing an increasingly important role.

We provide FAIR’N GREEN-certified companies with modern solutions that enable them to continuously record, evaluate and optimise their energy and resource consumption and the associated agricultural work.

With our digital platform Circum, many processes can be easily recorded, documented and analysed, e.g.

  • Energy consumption and material flows
  • Management and optimization of
    work processes
  • Documentation of
    plant protection measures
  • Benchmarks for increasing the
    sustainability of operations
  • Determination of the operational
    CO2 footprint