CARLO Awards 2022 for sustainability:
Weingut Haart, Weingut Georg Breuer and Winzergenossenschaft Winzer Sommerach honoured as the most sustainable businesses.
- 02/04/2023
The association for holistic sustainability Fair and Green e. V. has presented sustainability awards for outstanding achievements to Weingut Georg Breuer (Rheingau), Weingut Haart (Mosel) and Winzergenossenschaft Winzer Sommerach (Franconia). The best bachelor’s and master’s theses on the subject of sustainability were also honoured.
For the second time now, Fair and Green e. V. has presented awards to various players in the wine industry who have rendered outstanding services to the topic of sustainability. The prize is named after Carl von Carlowitz, one of the founders of the principle of sustainability. A ten-member jury of renowned representatives from the wine industry awarded the following prizes in 2023:
The Haart winery received the Biodiversity Award for its long-standing and comprehensive commitment in all areas of biodiversity. The award was accepted on behalf of Johannes Haart, who emphasised that his father Theo Haart was very pleased to receive this award, as he works hard to continuously improve the biodiversity performance of the winery and the region. The laudatory speech was given by Prof Dr Dominik Durner from the Neustadt Wine Campus, who had also visited the winery on site to learn about its comprehensive biodiversity measures.
With the CARLO Award in the “Most Sustainable Winery” category, the Georg Breuer winery received the Best Practice Award as the most sustainable winery for outstanding achievements, including in the areas of environmental, plant and resource protection.
The Georg Breuer winery consistently implements the principle of sustainability in all areas of the business and also uses the FAIR’N GREEN system to motivate its employees. The laudatory speech was given by Monica Reule from the German Wine Institute (DWI), who emphasised how impressed the jury was by the winery’s comprehensive sustainability performance and social commitment.
The Best Practice Award “Most Sustainable Co-operative” went to the Winzer Sommerach co-operative, which consists of around 90 families. The cooperative’s good and active performance in the areas of ecological sustainability and plant protection as well as the credible implementation and communication of the topic were particularly noteworthy. In his laudatory speech, Hermann Pilz justified the award with the many concrete measures such as the consistent renunciation of herbicides, the use of renewable energies and the minimisation of resource consumption by switching to lightweight glass bottles.”
The prize for the best Master’s thesis was awarded to Mr Ole Kohlmann. The thesis deals with the consumer acceptance of fungus-resistant grape varieties and impressed the jury with its international relevance and excellent experimental design. In his laudatory speech, Christian Schwörer, Secretary General of the German Winegrowers’ Association, praised the high quality of the work and the relevance of the topic for the industry.
The award for the best bachelor thesis went to Mr Wolf Ferdinand Werlé. He dealt with the start-up “Die Schorle Helden” in his bachelor thesis. Laudator Guido Walter reported how impressed the jury was by the in-depth analysis of the sustainability aspects in the beverage industry and the practical implications for the industry.
The CARLO Award for outstanding sustainability achievements
With the CARLO Award, Fair and Green e. V. recognises special achievements in the field of sustainability. The CARLO Award was presented for the second time since 2018.
The CARLO Awards are presented based on the decision of the jury. This consists of the following people in 2022:
- Prof. Marc Dreßler – Weincampus Neustadt
- Prof. Dominik. Durner – Weincampus Neustadt
- Prof. Eckhard Jedicke – HS Geisenheim
- Prof. Simone Loose – HS Geisenheim
- Susanne Moosmann – GUTcert mbH
- Sonja Ostermayer – Rheinhessenwein e. V.
- Monika Reule – Deutsches Weininstitut
- Christian Schwörer – Generalsekretär Deutscher Weinbauverband
- Dr. Keith Ulrich – Vorstandsvorsitzender Fair and Green e. V.
- Guido Walter – Weinfachhandlung Walter & Sohn